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Laboratory Medicine

General Information / Our Commitment to You

The Scarborough, HUll York Pathology service (SHYPS) have been granted accreditation by the United Kingdom Accreditation Service (UKAS).  UKAS provides accreditation to the internationally recognised standard:

ISO 15189 Medical Laboratories - Requirements for Quality and Competence

Accreditation is granted as a result of a successful external inspection and demonstration of full compliance with the standard by a process of formal audit that assesses the ability of the laboratories to provide services to the highest quality.  Laboratories holding UKAS accreditation offer their users reassurance that they comply with these clearly defined standards.

The Scarborough, Hull York Pathology service (SHYPS) are acreddited to provied the following scope of practice: UKAS 9724

York Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust is also licenced by the Human Tissue Authority (HTA) the regulator for human tissue and organs (Post Mortem Sector): HTA 12093

Quality Policy

The Quality Policy of Laboratory Medicine encompasses the values, drivers and motivations of the Trust mission statement as well as the Directorates own quality objectives: Click Here

Quality Manual

This Quality Manual describes the Quality Management System (QMS) in use throughout this laboratory for the benefit of the directorate’s own management and staff, service users and accreditation and regulatory bodies. The QMS is the process developed to support the generation of an efficient and effective, high quality and appropriate laboratory advice, testing and recommendation service. It encompasses all elements of quality delivery, including management systems, quality assurance and quality control: Click Here

Web page 3 last updated: 21/03/2022

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Our Trust is asking visitors to help protect patients from highly contagious winter infections by not visiting friends and relatives in hospital, when they have been unwell or in close contact with someone with flu or norovirus.  Full details here.