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Laboratory Medicine

Test Directory / Ganglioside Antibodies Anti-GM1 Anti GQ1B

Ganglioside Antibodies Anti-GM1 Anti GQ1B

Brown clotted serum, gel barrier

TestGanglioside Antibodies Anti-GM1 Anti GQ1B
Common AbbreviationsGM1 GQ1B
Clinical IndicationAnti-ganglioside antibodies are associated with several immunologically mediated peripheral neuropathies e.g. anti-GM1 (IgM) with multifocal motor neuropathy, GQ1b (IgG) with the Miller-Fisher syndrome and GM1 (IgG) with the Guillain-Barre syndrome.
Specimen TypeBlood
Sample TypeSerum
Minimum Volume1 mL
Special PrecautionsNo special requirements
StabilityContact Referral Laboratory
Turnaround Time4 weeks
LaboratoryImmunology Laboratory, Oxford University Hospitals NHSFT
Reference IntervalContact Referral Laboratory
LimitationsContact Referral Laboratory
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