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Laboratory Medicine


Click here to view Haematology test information

It is imperative that ALL patient requests have appropriate Clinical Details recorded because secondary laboratory tests may be generated on the basis of laboratory results and this information.

Full Blood Count Reference Ranges :

For adult and paediatric full blood count reference range information: Click Here 

Coagulation Reference Ranges:

For adult and paediatric coagulation reference range information: Click Here *Updated July 23*

Immature Granulocyte (IG) count:

For all information regarding Immature Granulocyte (IG) count: Click Here 

Guidelines for Thrombophilia Testing:

For all information regarding Thrombophilia testing: Click Here  *New document added 2023*

Contacts for the Haematology Service:

For general result and specimen enquiries, clinical advice and key contact details for the Haematology service: Click Here

Urgent Requests

Urgent Requests must be telephoned to alert the laboratory staff of their arrival. The request form must be clearly marked URGENT. Results will not be telephoned without prior verbal notification and may be treated as routine.

York: (01904 72) 6802 or BMS available on bleep 842 out of hours

Scarborough: (01723 34) 2350 or BMS available through hospital switchboard '0' out of hours

Add on Tests (requesting further tests on samples already received in the laboratory)

For information: Click Here

Frequency of assays

Most assays are performed daily but there are some assays performed less frequently dependant on numbers, clinical need and cost. Some samples are sent away to other laboratories for testing.

Turnaround Times

Turnaround times are calculated from the time of receipt in the laboratory to the time when the report is available to the user in an electronic format. Times quoted are calculated on the turnaround times of 95% of requests.

Web Page 55 updated: 11/08/2023

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