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Local patient support groups

York Rheumatoid Arthritis Support Group

Susan Blore, Secretary, York RA Support Group
Tel: 01904 642227


Left: (Standing) Dr Amanda Isdale, Diane Tyas (SpN), Claire Taylor (Rheumatology co-ordinator), Helen Bickerdike (SpN) and Julie Green (SpN). (Seated) Susan Blore (YORKRA) and Rita Peacock (YORKRA).

Arthritis Research UK - York Branch

York Carers Forum

Arthritis care UK

York Orthopaedic Support Group

  • For people who have had or are having joint replacement surgery
  • Pauline Palmer, Chairperson - Tel: 01904 783134, email:
  • Morag Francis, Secretary - Tel: 01904 430809

York NASS Group

  • Contact: Tim Procter
  • Tel: 07977 395927
  • The group meets each Tuesday at Burton Stone Community Centre from 6.15pm-7.15pm for exercises.
Looking down a long bright hospital corridor with treatment rooms on the left and windows on the right. At the bottom of the corridor is one member of staff in a blue nursing uniform

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Norovirus is highly infectious and can spread easily

Please do not visit our hospitals if you or a member of your household has had nausea, diarrhoea, or vomiting within the last 48 hours. This is to prevent the spread of norovirus in our hospitals.

See more information on norovirus