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Our services

 Malton Maternity Unit

Malton Maternity Unit is open 7 days a week.

We provide antenatal and postnatal services for women and families across Ryedale and the MyHealth Region as well as being a service unit for the Scarborough and York NHS Trust.

Women may access the service directly, via a GP, health care professional, midwife or consultant.

Our antenatal services run:
Monday to Friday 08:30 to 16:30 (appointment only) 

There is also availability for first booking appointments on a Monday evening between 17:00 - 19:00

Postnatal clinics run 7 days a week on an appointment only basis. If you feel you need to make an appointment you can call us on 01653 604535 (Mon to Fri 08:30 - 16:30 - out of hours voicemail available)

Our Midwives are also based out and about in the community and can offer home appointments for initial postnatal visit and on call service for home births.

The Malton team consists of 8 Midwives, 2 administration staff and a Midwifery Support Worker.

The Unit is led by Victoria Clark (Community Midwifery Team Leader)

Malton Maternity Unit
01653 604535

(Mon to Fri
08:30 - 16:30)
Voicemail Service Available
out of hours




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Information for visitors

Norovirus is highly infectious and can spread easily

Please do not visit our hospitals if you or a member of your household has had nausea, diarrhoea, or vomiting within the last 48 hours. This is to prevent the spread of norovirus in our hospitals.

See more information on norovirus