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Our services

Palliative care

Useful links

Palliative care information for health and social care professionals can now be found here.

Contact numbers for York and Scarborough Palliative Care Teams

7 day service between 8am-4pm

  • York Hospital Palliative Care Team - 01904 725835
  • York Community Palliative Care Team - 01904 777770
  • St Leonards Hospice, York - 01904 708553
  • Scarborough Hospital Palliative Care Team - 01723 342446
  • Scarborough Community Palliative Care Team - 01723 351421
  • St Catherine’s Hospice, Scarborough - 01723 351421

Out of hours

  • York St Leonards Hospice - 01904 708553
  • Scarborough Pallcall St Catherine’s Hospice - 01723 354506
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