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Symptom control guidelines

Palliative care teams

The palliative care Teams in York and Scarborough have decided to use the Scottish Palliative Care Guidelines aiming to provide an emergency resource for generalists out of hours in the York and Scarborough locality.  These are external guidelines that are recognised as SAFE practice by the Specialist Palliative Care teams working across the hospital, community and hospices and can be followed if no direct Specialist Palliative Care advice is available. There is always a 2nd on call consultant available to discuss complex patients with. For out of hour’s advice please see below.


St Leonards hospice 01904 708553 (24/7)


Pallcall St Catherine’s hospice 01723 354506 (24/7)

Please consider referral to the specialist palliative care team the next working day.


  • Scottish references (incapacity act, O2 ordering, organ donation, DNACPR)
  • Use of Diamorphine
  • Use of Lidocaine
  • Alfentanil sublingual

Concern about the following guidelines, ask specialist advice first:

  • Pruritus
  • Bleeding
  • Sweating
  • Phenobarbital
  • NSAID’s in renal disease
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Our Trust is asking visitors to help protect patients from highly contagious winter infections by not visiting friends and relatives in hospital, when they have been unwell or in close contact with someone with flu or norovirus.  Full details here.