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Laboratory Medicine

Blood Transfusion

Click here to view Blood Transfusion test information

The Blood Transfusion department provides blood products for use in clinical emergencies and routine procedures.  The Blood Transfusion department operates on both the York and Scarborough sites.

Contacts for the Blood Transfusion Service:

For general result and specimen enquiries, clinical advice and key contact details for the Blood Transfusion service: Click Here

Test Repertoire

We have a comprehensive repertoire of tests available and we can also arrange for specimens to be sent to other laboratories for measurements not performed at our York or Scarborough sites.

For Blood Transfusion test repertoire please locate the blue test information box at the top of this page.  

Some tests are referred to other laboratories for investigation.  The laboratory confirms UKAS status of all such laboratories.  Our full list of referral sites for Blood Transfusion work is detailed below. 

  • National Blood Service
  • Red Cell Immunohaematology, NHS Blood and Transplant-Barnsley, Capitol Way, M1- Junction 37, Barnsley, S75 3FG
  • Histocompatibility Laboratory, Langley, Lane Sheffield, S57JN
  • Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics Dpt., 500 North Bristol Park, Filton, Bristol, BS34 7QH
  • St James University Hospital Department of Immunology, Floor 9, Gledhow Wing, Leeds.  LS9 7TF.

Blood Components and Products

This below includes but is not all encompassing:

  • Human Albumin – 4.5% and 20% available only after discussion with laboratory staff
  • Fresh Frozen Plasma
  • Platelets
  • Cryoprecipitate
  • Coagulation Factors
  • Other products such as Prothrombin complex (Beriplex) and Novo 7

For information on Blood Components and Products: Click Here

Blood Transport

Blood in transit boxes is available for all remote sites and for use on site if blood is expected to be outside of temperature control for more than 30 minutes.  Please place a cool pack in the transit box. Temperature control will be maintained for up to 4 hours

Checking Procedure for Blood and Blood Products

Details of this important procedure may be found in York Hospital Transfusion Policy.  To access this policy: Click Here

The importance of correct positive patient identification and sample labelling at the patient's side cannot be overstated. Each and every sample MUST be labelled with the last name, first name, date of birth and unique identifier of the patient. The unique identifier in the first instance should be the NHS Number. If this is not possible a hospital generated case number should be used. If an explanation of the requirements for completing a transfusion request form is required please: Click Here

The Removal of Crossmatched Blood from the Blood Bank

Only staff trained in the procedure for electronically signing out products from the Blood Track Kiosk should remove blood from the issue blood fridge.

The Return of Crossmatched Blood to the Blood Bank

Blood may be returned to the Issue Blood Bank within 30 minutes of removal. Outside of this time please contact the laboratory Ext 5739 (York) or 2322 (Scarb) or out of hours bleep the duty haematologist.

Emergency O Rh (D) Negative Blood

Where there is opportunity contact the relevant transfusion laboratory before taking the units to see if anything more suitable can be provided for the patient.

Emergency blood is available for any immediate requirements and located on the top shelf of the Issue Blood Bank marked ‘O negative’ at York; at Scarborough it is labelled ‘Flying Squad’ and in the bottom left hand drawer of the issue fridge.

The units must be scanned out using the electronic Blood Track Kiosk and patient details provided on the attached documentation to ensure full audit trail available.

The laboratory MUST be informed via

Extension 5739 (or Bleep number 842 out of normal working hours) for York

Extension 2322 (or Bleep 192 out of normal working hours) for Scarborough

Patient details must be entered on the sheet attached to the bag.  The tag and sheet must be then detached and returned to the laboratory as soon as possible after the blood is used.


Web Page 58 last updated: 24/02/2023



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