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Endoscopy Patient Information Leaflets

Colonoscopy or Flexible Sigmoidoscopy Discharge Advice

Information for patients, relatives and carers

Discharge following an ERCP

Information for patients, relatives and carers

EBUS (Endobronchial Ultrasound)

Information for patients, relatives and carers

Gastroscopy Discharge advice

Information for patients, relatives and carers

Having a Capsule Endoscopy

Information for patients, relatives and carers

Having a Colon Capsule

Information for patients, relatives and carers

Having a Colonoscopy

Information for patients, relatives and carers

Having a flexible sigmoidoscopy

Information for patients, relatives, and carers

Having an ERCP

Information for patients, relatives and carers

PEG Tubes

Information for patients, relatives and carers

Potential Complications following polyp removal

Information for patients, relatives and carers

Trans-Nasal Endoscopy

Information for patients, relatives, and carers

Upper Gastro-intestinal Endoscopy (Gastroscopy)

Information for patients, relatives, and carers

Your guide to having a Bronchoscopy

Information for patients, relatives and carers

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Information for visitors

Norovirus is highly infectious and can spread easily

Please do not visit our hospitals if you or a member of your household has had nausea, diarrhoea, or vomiting within the last 48 hours. This is to prevent the spread of norovirus in our hospitals.

See more information on norovirus